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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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socialist leader will go savez cylinder is popular support and oppose could both against him. it's nine pm here in moscow you're watching r.t. with me to bomb with same with someone in syria where the free syrian army says in two days they could start executing forty eight iranian pilgrims they kidnapped in august the threat would be carried out of the syrian regime does not fulfill demands to release rebel fighters and stop selling john laughland from the paris bay's institute of democracy and corporation says this will lead the world to the nature of the rebels fight in syria i think it does underline the nature of at least some elements within the syrian rebels who of course are presented in most of the western media as freedom fighters if they were to carry out their threat to
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execute these hostages and i think people would understand that we are dealing with a very vicious insurgency and one which any state would be intitled and indeed obliged to try to put down. this is the first time that they have done things like this they've been reports in the western media going back months telling how the syrian rebels would slip the throats of the syrian army soldiers that they captured so it's something they've done before admittedly against their own nationals. in turkey has two biggest cities and thousands of mosque approaches to what they say is the government escalating tension against syria but what began as a peaceful demonstration in the capital turned violent when ride police removed in to disperse the crowd tear gas water cannons and smoke grenades were used to break the ranks of activists unhappy with the current policies of trick is really. protesters also lashed out at the international media saying the u.s.
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and its western allies are forcing propaganda the wave of popular discontent was spotted by the turkish parliament approving cross border military actions in syria on thursday the motion followed mortar shells being fired from inside syria that killed five people in a turkish border town on curry tell you to by launching a killer if i owned syrian targets for two consecutive days former pentagon official michael maloof says turkey's entry into the syrian conflict could be set up. you've got opposition forces there there. they are desperate. low on ammunition. and i think they would love to have turkey get into the get into the fight they're moving they've moved their headquarters from turkey into to syria and that's going to set up a logistical problem for them in coordination with forces inside of turkey to bring
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in more ammunition and and logistics to back them up but it would be an easier way than to set up a situation where where you bring turkey into the into the fight and in order to provide that kind of. i don't rule that out. for us working there in that region there they're very very good at that kind of. now the un syria's envoy expresses government sympathies that the turkish casualties and also to shore is says that an investigation is under way at the same time we called on syria's neighbors including turkey to stop terrorists infiltrating into the conflict torn country across the border is marina but neither has the latest from the u.n. security council in new york well the u.n. security council agreed and issued a presidential statement strongly condemning wednesday's mortar attack by syria on
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a turkish border town that as we already heard has killed people in injured several others the council called on the syrian government to fully respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbors and the called on all concerned parties to exercise maximum restraint a presidential statement issued by the council also demanded that quote such violations of international law stop immediately and are not repeated mortar fire from syria in turkey on wednesday and that's when the security council began deliberating this presidential statement earlier on thursday the u.n. secretary general ban ki moon also voiced his alarm at escalating tensions along the syrian turkish border and the u.n. itself there's a lot of divisions over how to solve this crisis that it escalates and everybody within the security council in the u.n. is trying to ease tensions that are growing now really within syria and now on the border between syria and turkey. got more on the is syria of syria turkey tensions
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as well as a timeline of events and analysis that r.t. dot com they can also find more on the report in fact beyond running syrian crisis ascending to its neighboring states. thousands of islamist opposition supporters have gathered in the jordanian capital amman to demand reform that says by the king having already dissolved the parliament the rally was organized by the jordanian aware of the muslim brotherhood artie's policy their reports from amman. thousands of people are gathering here in the jordanian capital of amman where the muslim brotherhood is organized a demonstration and at the time the friday of this country's salvation now people have had very strong demands and a lot of criticism against the jordanian government they're calling for constitutional reforms to be implemented they're calling for a fair electoral law they want to see all political prisoners released and at the same time they're also saying that government needs to root out corruption now this
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is approaches that has attracted not only brotherhood supporters there are people here from all political factions the police is on high guard all the roads leading here have been close and see only hours of friday morning the king is well aware of the mood on the street and that is why he is calling for early elections at the end of this year but the brotherhood has already said that it plans to boycott those elections the arab spring which began back in january last year has largely bypassed the hashemite kingdom this is seen as a relatively stable country in an extremely unstable region the question now though is just what is going to be the extent of the influence of the brotherhood beyond egypt and other countries where it has already come to the fore so if you look around here on the streets of amman judging by the mood and judging by the turnout of the brotherhood it does seem as if the brotherhood support is in for the long haul we are likely to see more demonstrations like this in the jordanian capital policia r.t. amman. jordan. policy is keeping you up to date on the rallies in jordan twenty
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four seven clones our twitter feed to find the pictures she's posted to awfully to see the protests head capital of the mind. a russian man remains in a serious condition after being brutally beaten in the canadian detention center the nisa telegraph was arrested after his class made in a canadian language school said he had been threatened by him the charges were later dropped for more i'm now joined by his sister elaine there on one of our joins me live from canada good to see there elaine and now first of all what is your brother's condition right now well you know him by her family. making a lot of members were doctors and but he was still a little girl you know eating our meal you have been here already and he'll be grilling to reduce your. call you've already got our way or you know.
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very slowly. and now denise was arrested after his classmate reported that he was being threatened in what way was that well i actually was going to say the face like he was just. you know i don't know you know now that you know what not direct. or something i mean. i don't know why it was just a big misunderstanding and if you know we. all are. a lot right now is this the first incident of this kind in this detention center. well not absolutely not it's not a first guy it's very often it's happening over there and not a lot of direct but the accident with dennis in this room and banter is the worst i mean condition all to hell. and in the first story what i
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like to meet on a board he's saying about this and is that anyone giving you help as a family is anyone helping you. only know can i not do is a human didn't try to reach me or state it can be no they are not commenting anything and they absolutely they are not helping me with not i have family social workers from hospital who were giving me some support and help and this is it now you said before that there were other incidences that happened at the detention center what others do you know often can you share that with us a little bit just so we can put everything in perspective you will actually get to twitter happened before i mean are they trying to control the system over there they're trying to put like. they're a criminal people suffering from the people who are not criminal but it's not
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happening or but they're in in the end you're in while then it was in i.c.u. you knew there were five inmates in the same hospital with a different kind of in your eyes and then it would have been with christopher coke to afternoon if you were good a little bit didn't do it to you in the same orbital hours a day and it's very often happening over there but they never who didn't match the try to not want to shut up they tried to hide it you know this was going all out there and all the time what would you like to say to the authorities right now. you know the most important thing i believe that danny and. let him go have to be just as you know because you don't believe in live right. here is there are really hard in here you might not qualify because you noticed it doesn't matter whether they were the original government or in the good news that i don't want him to just
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take him back to russia and look at all all those little because you have to read for some and don't have to begin with what canada did i just won i will try to infinity to cuba here in canada poor because they are doing good your you know the doctors here are in and this is all what i am asking is all i do i don't need money or whatever i want to be back to normal life i want him outside of canada on his own. in our own mind of our we share. we share your thoughts and we hope that denise will have a speedy recovery and heal you and your family all the best thank you very much for joining us on r.t. . my classes have taken place in several cities across italy as police dispersed students protesting against cuts in education funding so in say they've been beaten by clubs and several protesters have been detained italy's
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a euro zone for the largest economy and one of the worst hit by the economic crisis and other troubles day degree's announced it can only manage without another portion of international aid until november we get him he even least there's of the greek troubles one stop until even politicians change their approach. we have a read of the unemployment like twenty five percent especially between young people it's fifty percent we have to start changing our plans we have to have changing that have point of view because the recipe is not working this is the fifth year of depression there's thirty measure showing up we have to change the way that we're really looking at the economy. still ahead small cards any year right bans britain's military maneuvers nikkei is canceled back on a fifth all those soldiers to free up cash and buy some high tech drones instead
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plus. russia may soon provide licenses to foreign companies to drill for oil in the arctic a groundbreaking move to attract foreign investment for that story and many others after a short break on. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is dr van amir brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head across ever more barren tundra higher and higher into russia's arctic far north until eventually we see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snow a world of us as a boy here suffering from favor and the doctors are going to see what they can do.
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inside a small building not one but two babies and their parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better can spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in it to indra they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native minutes reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so a medical problem simply fixed here in the tent that i should they used to be but now we can go to civilized places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being. treated the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as
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a free taxi service accusations land amir firmly dismisses the pearl there is not troops usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals for waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is confident the diva now after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north. as you see a story and it seems so. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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you're watching our t.v. good to have you with us now in britain the army's the latest victim of the financial of he will plazas of u.k. soldiers have been told not to report for duty come the new year but as r.t. is poorly boyko reports when it comes to funding expensive war toys britain
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apparently has money to burn. the number of soldiers in the british army is being cut back by a fifth as you can see here that's quite a significant reduction is going to mean the smallest british army since before the napoleonic wars eight thousand u.k. troops face christmas as unemployed civilians defense secretary philip hammond insists the cuts a necessary to balance the defense budget yet at the same time the u.k. is committed to remaining one of the biggest military spending is in the world well any modern army even if it cuts its troops needs up to date equipment but take a look at these the british government has spent some two billion pounds on developing remote control attack drones since two thousand and seven but homegrown u.k. drones don't have a good track record how about the watch keeper drone this nifty piece of military
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equipment has already cost the u.k. taxpayers about eight hundred million pounds it was meant to be up and flying by now it isn't yet ready and now running two under half years late the want to keep its predecessor it was a drone called the phoenix that proved so unreliable that an army suckles it became known as the bugger off because it often left on missions never to return the phoenix was such an epic fail that it was used as an example of the quote dismal failure of the british drone systems engineering students in one u.k. university and the cost of this techno flop two billion pounds in fact the ministry of defense is attempt to balance its books has actually contributed to an increase in spending on equipment something those troops facing their final paycheck in the coming weeks will find hard to stomach. r.t. . well stories are features of videos and analysis on install for you on the web
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including tragedies remark online we've got the story of a russian student who fontanne sole severely beaten in a canadian hospital bed after making an innocent remark. in class how making cars more eco friendly is proving harmful to millions head online to learn why land also for biofuel in developing countries is putting people on the brink of starvation. after a long and bitterly for campaign venezuela hold its first presidential election in six years on sunday and both candidates incumbent chavez and his arrival indicate a prius make the most of their last day on the campaign trail lucy kaufman of look said was at the state during this election. there's no question who these venezuelans will be voting for comic seventh. we are
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here because we support our president chavez he does many things to help us housing education programs helping the poor everything here has gotten a lot better because of him everything has changed. their red shirts brand them as the lifeblood of the venezuelan president's leftist movement through out his fourteen years in power for the hundreds of thousands of supporters who gathered in caracas on thursday the message was clear they want six more years of. his supporters say that chavez is the country's first president to genuinely care about the lower class. chavez is the punishment of the rich and the window of hope to cool. them. under the banner of socialism for the twenty first century chavez has pumped hundreds of billions of petro dollars into the economy and government run aid programs along with earning him popular support poverty has fallen from fifty percent in one thousand nine hundred nine to around thirty
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percent last year yet life in this country is far from ideal and with the plague of unemployment crime and corruption many venezuelans are now saying it's time for chavez to go but. i'm one of those who voted for chavez but i'm his basque and we need a change. in this race change means a vote for opposition leader in the us a forty year old lawyer who unlike chavez enjoyed a privileged upbringing. the son of a wealthy family that controls a media conglomerate and a chain of movie theaters has gained supporters by promising to combat crime unemployment and corruption but opponents have charged a pretty as is deliberately hiding his real economic goals the candidates are. they could be worked out very chavez is the man of the people he's come from this kind of property now works to to try. to change and the other q you didn't repeat your feelings is a man of the wealthy if you leave it all with are you who would implement
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privatization the only. thing i stare at you it's a choice between two radically different worldviews a referendum and venezuela's socialist experiment. into the shot. at the way i'm. going to get. the captain of our team. for a dimitris match so what the move this new dimitri in russia has been trying hard to attract foreign investment what's the latest me latest move potentially to give licenses to drill for oil in the arctic to foreign companies now coupled with the fact that ross nafta is trying to buy stake from b.p. this could actually make way say to the british to the arctic the currency hold agreement prevents b.p. from you know making any. side of ten-k. b.p.
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in russia so there has to be a solution and one of them is leaving exiting from ten k.b.p.s. . in theory there are still assets less. than they used to be because the big pieces were taken by exxon buy in but i'm pretty sure that in terms of exploration assets there's still a lot of potential and a lot of assets to be considered for this investment from b.p. in the arctic. big surprise from the u.s. labor department as the unemployment rate has dropped to seven point eight percent the lowest level in almost four years the u.s. economy out of the five one hundred fourteen thousand jobs last month that was much better than expected and pretty skeptical about this let's take a look at the market's reaction in the u.s. it is positive it's up around half a percent and that's some afraid all i can tell you but it means fifty five minutes more business news well thanks for that update to me if you'll see in
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a few minutes rides in right now it's lauren this and capital account on our. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images. from the streets of canada. operations around.
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overcoming a barrier like this seems possible. but then you crave something higher. and when you reach stuff you. go do whatever it takes to get all the talk of the world on our t.v. . culture is that so much as i can which of course is why i wanted. to maybe even to face the first direct encounter between president barack obama and republican challenger mitt romney left the incumbent looking like roadkill. sigrid laboratory was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which
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fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach me. to care about humans and. this is why you should care only. because. live to.
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live. good afternoon welcome to capital account on more in the store here in washington d.c. these are your headlines for thursday october fourth two thousand and twelve gold hit an eleven month high today allegedly bolstered by signs the e.c.b. will keep its borrowing costs low and stands ready to buy bonds now if long as central banks continue to print and maintain negative real interest rates should investors consider owning gold well we're seeing that question answered with a yes from the darndest places we'll talk about the impact however you may have also seen this story all over the blogosphere recently about
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a new york merchant. bigger counterfeit gold bores you go your room so we drilled into several of the school boards worth four hundred thousand dollars and saw a great tungsten. does gold really represent a tail risk for buying physical gold or is this a one off they will speak to mark o'byrne of the international gold bullion dealer gold core and though we tend to favor market solutions for most things are market forces actually doing a disservice to democracy in the case of the presidential debate coverage we'll talk about in loose change let's get to today's capital account. sun of the headlines today range from gold rises on e.c.b.
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rate decision beforehand to gold prices were higher as the e.c.b. president mario draghi said the e.c.b. was ready to buy government bonds is that what he's been doing along we're going to look at what you think of what the animal spirits which ones are driving markets at any given moment one often heard argument as that is central banks around the world print gold rises as people hedge against the sure to be inflation and currency debasement and we have precious metals investors on the show who advocate owning gold for reasons such as this and we've certainly seen the gold prices rise over the last twelve years but still a very small percent of global investments are allocated to gold it hasn't gone main stream however you can take a look at the prices and how they've risen there over the last twelve years despite this gold is not a mainstream investment but look at this a report from pimco in october that is the.


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